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Adding export option to Office 2010 backstage view

I cannot extend Office 2010 UI even when I use the code from MSDN. This is the code I think should work:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<customUI xmlns="" onLoad="Ribbon_Load">
    <tab idMso="TabShare">
        <taskFormGroup idMso="GroupShare">
          <category idMso="FileTypes">
            <task id="tskExportXmlCms" label="Exportovat jako XML">
              <group id="grpExportXmlCms" label="Exportovat jako XML">
                  <button id="btnExportXmlCms" label="Exportovat jako XML" onAction="OnExportXmlCms" />

public void OnExportXmlCms(IRibbonControl control) { }

When I add Ribbon (Visual Designer) I can see added items. When I use Ribbin (XML) I'm not able to see anything in the backstage. What is wrong?


  • There was missing this method:

    public partial class ThisAddIn {
        protected override Office.IRibbonExtensibility CreateRibbonExtensibilityObject() {
            return new Ribbon();