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DB function reports no errors when adding new article in Joomla

Possible Duplicate:
500 - An error has occurred! DB function reports no errors when adding new article in Joomla!

I have an article that I want to publish on my Joomla! site. Every time I click apply or save. I get error 500 - An error has occurred! DB function reports no errors. I have no idea why this error comes up, al I can think is that it's a server error.

I'm using TinyMCE to type articles together with Joomla! 1.5.11.

Updated: I turned on Maximum error reporting in Joomla! and in the article manager I tried to save the article and got these couple of errors. Please check screenshot

alt text

I tried adding

ini_set('error_reporting', E_ALL);

at the top of the index.php pages for Joomla! but it does not show any errors. I checked the error logs on the server and also no errors come up.

I managed to publish the article via phpMyAdmin but then something else happens. I try to access to article from the front end, by clicking on the link to the article, but only a blank page comes up.

This is really weird, since the error log does not show any information. So I assume the error needs to be coming from Joomla!

This happens if I add a print_r($_POST) before if (!$row->check()) {

    [title] => Test.
    [state] => 0
    [alias] => test
    [frontpage] => 0
    [sectionid] => 10
    [catid] => 44
    [details] => Array
            [created_by] => 62
            [created_by_alias] => 
            [access] => 0
            [created] => 2008-10-25 13:31:21
            [publish_up] => 2008-10-25 13:31:21
            [publish_down] => Never

    [params] => Array
            [show_title] => 
            [link_titles] => 
            [show_intro] => 
            [show_section] => 
            [link_section] => 
            [show_category] => 
            [link_category] => 
            [show_vote] => 
            [show_author] => 1
            [show_create_date] => 0
            [show_modify_date] => 0
            [show_pdf_icon] => 
            [show_print_icon] => 
            [show_email_icon] => 
            [language] => 
            [keyref] => 
            [readmore] => 

    [meta] => Array
            [description] => Test.
            [keywords] => Test
            [robots] => 
            [author] => Test

    [id] => 58
    [cid] => Array
            [0] => 58

    [version] => 30
    [mask] => 0
    [option] => com_content
    [task] => apply
    [ac1e0853fb1b3f41730c0d52de89dab7] => 1


  • The exception is being thrown here in /administrator/components/com_content/controller.php (around 693)

    if (!$row->check()) {
        JError::raiseError( 500, $db->stderr() );
        return false;

    The check() function only returns false in two cases: either the title or the introtext are empty.

    What I would do in your case is edit the controller.php file above and echo a var_dump of $row before the error is raised. It might be that no data is coming in from $_POST.

    Edit: It looks like there's no body of your article being sent through in your $_POST. This is most likely because of something to do with the form which is submitting the data. On the page where you are trying to create the article, take a look at the HTML source. In my Joomla installation, the textarea is named "text". Make sure it has that name, and that nothing else in that form is named "text".