Using Spring Webflow and Dijit it looks like I can only add one Decoration per element (field)?
I am working on a Spring Webflow project and I was loading a list of schools once the user selects a Borough from a dropdown. The form was working great until I added a dijit.form.Select widgettype to it. Please look at the code below.
Can I use both?
The Issue I am having is on the Spring MVC side the bean now has the value "borough" in the borough field and NOT the value the user entered!
<form:select path="borough" id="borough" >
<form:option value="UNKNOWN" label="Unknown" />
<form:option value="X" label="Bronx" />
<form:option value="K" label="Brooklyn" />
<form:option value="M" label="Manhattan" />
<form:option value="Q" label="Queens" />
<form:option value="R" label="Staten Island" />
<form:option value="O" label="All Other Schools" />
<script type="text/javascript">
Spring.addDecoration(new Spring.ElementDecoration({
elementId : "borough",
widgetType : "dijit.form.Select",
widgetAttrs : {
promptMessage : "Enter Borough",
required : true }}));
Spring.addDecoration(new Spring.AjaxEventDecoration({
elementId: "borough",
event: "onChange",
params: {fragments:"body", _eventId: "loadSchools"}}));
I fixed the issue. I removed the Spring.AjaxEventDecoration call and changed the Spring.ElementDecoration to the following:
<script type="text/javascript">
Spring.addDecoration(new Spring.ElementDecoration({
elementId : "sex",
widgetType : "dijit.form.Select",
widgetAttrs : {
promptMessage : "Enter Sex",
required : true,
onChange : function() {
{_eventId: 'sexchange', fragments:'contents'}
return false;
} }}));
I am not 100% clear on why the Ajax call did not work but I have my project working with this code now!