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position of the labels in a widget

In the widget below, is it possible to change the position of the label of the "radio" groups. I would like something like that instead of having "Type" above the items:

Type        o Quantitative
            o Qualitative

enter image description here

win <- gwindow("Empirical Phase Diagram")

BigDataGroup <- ggroup(cont=win)
DataGroup <- gframe("Data", container = BigDataGroup, horizontal=FALSE)

grp.file <- ggroup(horizontal=FALSE, container = DataGroup)
lbl.file <- glabel("File: ", container = grp.file)
browse.file <- gfilebrowse(container = grp.file)

Input1Group <-  gframe("First input variable ", container = DataGroup, horizontal=FALSE)
grp.text.input1 <- ggroup(horizontal=FALSE, container = Input1Group)
lbl.text.input1 <- glabel("Column index",  container = grp.text.input1)
insert.text.input1 <- gedit(text="A", container = grp.text.input1)
grp.type.input1 <- ggroup(horizontal=FALSE, container = Input1Group)
lbl.type.input1 <- glabel("Type ", container = grp.type.input1)
insert.type.input1 <- gradio(items=c("Quantitative", "Qualitative"), container = grp.type.input1) 

Input2Group <-  gframe("Second input variable ", container = DataGroup, horizontal=FALSE)
grp.text.input2 <- ggroup(horizontal=FALSE, container = Input2Group)
lbl.text.input2 <- glabel("Column index", container = grp.text.input2)
insert.text.input2 <- gedit(text="B", container = grp.text.input2)
grp.type.input2 <- ggroup(horizontal=FALSE, container = Input2Group)
lbl.type.input2 <- glabel("Type ", container = grp.type.input2)
insert.type.input2 <- gradio(items=c("Quantitative", "Qualitative"), container = grp.type.input2) 

grp.text.output <- ggroup(horizontal=FALSE, container = DataGroup)
lbl.text.output <- glabel("Output variable range ", container = grp.text.output)
insert.text.output <- gedit(initial.msg="type a range e.g. C:AD", container = grp.text.output)

OptionsGroup <- ggroup(horizontal=FALSE, container = BigDataGroup)
grp.colorspace <- ggroup(horizontal=FALSE, container = OptionsGroup)
insert.colorspace <- gradio(items=c("RGB", "LAB", "LUV"))
lbl.colorspace <- gframe("Color space ", container = grp.colorspace)
add(lbl.colorspace, insert.colorspace)

GoGroup <- ggroup(horizontal=FALSE, container = BigDataGroup)
read <- gbutton(text="Go", container = GoGroup, 
    handler = function(h, ...) {


  • Two things:

    In gWidgets you can use a glayout container to put labels on the left. Something like:

    tbl <- glayout(cont=parent_container)
    tbl[1,1] <- "Type" ## or  glabel("Type ", container = tbl)
    tbl[1,2] <- (insert.type.input1 <- gradio(items=c("Quantitative", "Qualitative"), container = tbl))

    The latter double assignment gives you access to the radio widget. You can also get this with tbl[1,2]. This works fine, but you need to do some bookkeeping for the row index.

    In gWidgets2 (on github only right now) there is also the gformlayout container which makes this easier:

    flyt <- gformlayout(cont=parent_container)
    insert.type.input1 <- gradio(items=c("Quantitative", "Qualitative"), 
      label = "Type", container = flyt)

    As an aside, if you are using gWidgets2RGtk2 you can modify the font of this label, but it is super hacky. E.g.:

    get_labels <- function(fl) {
      children <- Map(function(x) x$getWidget(), fl$widget$getChildren())
      labels <- Filter(function(x) is(x, "GtkLabel"), children)
      names(labels) <- sapply(labels, function(x) x$getText())
    ## Then to set the font of a label you can do:
    labels <- get_labels(flyt)  
    flyt$set_rgtk2_font(labels[["Type"]], list(weight="bold"))

    And, if you are still using tcltk, this function should work:

    set_formlayout_font <- function(fl, value, row) {
      l = tcl("grid", "slaves", fl$widget, row=row-1, column=0)
      fl$set_font_ttk(value, l)
    set_formlayout_font(fl, list(color="blue"), 2) ## 2nd row