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Is it possible to embed (without download) a PDF file in a one view bilingual Android app?

Does anyone know if the following project is achievable for an Android app:

  • One view only
  • PDF file embedded
  • PDF file read into the app (not into Adobe Acrobat)
  • PDF file cannot be downloaded into the user's Android device
  • Only zooming page needed (and support of the internal PDF's hyperlinks)
  • Bilingual / the PDF file being different according to the user's personal language settings

That project is the twin one of a very simple bilingual iOS App consisting of a PDF file embedded in a UIWebview.

I searched a lot on the subject, and I can't really tell if that twin project is achievable. If so, would there be an example of it somewhere ?

Thanks very much !


  • You can keep the file in Assets directory and you can use Asset Manager to access the file.

     AssetManager assetManager = getAssets();
            try {
                InputStream tinstr ="myjpg.pdf");
                mDefaultThumbnail = BitmapFactory.decodeStream (tinstr);
                tinstr.close ();
            } catch (IOException ioe) {
                ioe.printStackTrace ();