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How to monitor delayed_job with monit

Are there any examples on the web of how to monitor delayed_job with Monit?

Everything I can find uses God, but I refuse to use God since long running processes in Ruby generally suck. (The most current post in the God mailing list? God Memory Usage Grows Steadily.)

Update: delayed_job now comes with a sample monit config based on this question.


  • Here is how I got this working.

    1. Use the collectiveidea fork of delayed_job besides being actively maintained, this version has a nice script/delayed_job daemon you can use with monit. Railscasts has a good episode about this version of delayed_job (ASCIICasts version). This script also has some other nice features, like the ability to run multiple workers. I don't cover that here.
    2. Install monit. I installed from source because Ubuntu's version is so ridiculously out of date. I followed these instructions to get the standard init.d scripts that come with the Ubuntu packages. I also needed to configure with ./configure --sysconfdir=/etc/monit so the standard Ubuntu configuration dir was picked up.
    3. Write a monit script. Here's what I came up with:

      check process delayed_job with pidfile /var/www/app/shared/pids/
      start program = "/var/www/app/current/script/delayed_job -e production start"
      stop program = "/var/www/app/current/script/delayed_job -e production stop"

      I store this in my soucre control system and point monit at it with include /var/www/app/current/config/monit in the /etc/monit/monitrc file.

    4. Configure monit. These instructions are laden with ads but otherwise OK.
    5. Write a task for capistrano to stop and start. monit start delayed_job and monit stop delayed_job is what you want to run. I also reload monit when deploying to pick up any config file changes.

    Problems I ran into:

    1. daemons gem must be installed for script/delayed_job to run.
    2. You must pass the Rails environment to script/delayed_job with -e production (for example). This is documented in the README file but not in the script's help output.
    3. I use Ruby Enterprise Edition, so I needed to get monit to start with that copy of Ruby. Because of the way sudo handles the PATH in Ubuntu, I ended up symlinking /usr/bin/ruby and /usr/bin/gem to the REE versions.

    When debugging monit, I found it helps to stop the init.d version and run it from the th command line, so you can get error messages. Otherwise it is very difficult to figure out why things are going wrong.

    sudo /etc/init.d/monit stop
    sudo monit start delayed_job

    Hopefully this helps the next person who wants to monitor delayed_job with monit.