I want to list all weeknumbers together with year. This is what I have:
start # 2012-05-10
ende # 2013-06-20
while start < ende
weeks << start.cweek
start += 1.week
List all weeknumbers:
@kws.each do |w|
I need some inspiration how to assign the corresponding year to each weeknumber.. So that I get 22 / 2012 23 / 2012 etc..
Thanks for help..
When in your while loop, you can also store the year, and one easy way is just as an array of arrays.
Then in your each loop later you can get access to both:
start = Date.new( 2012, 5, 10 )
ende = Date.new( 2013, 6, 20 )
weeks = []
while start < ende
weeks << [start.cweek, start.year] # <-- enhanced
start += 1.week
weeks.each do |w,y| # <-- take two arguments in the block
puts "#{w} / #{y}" # and print them both out
19 / 2012
20 / 2012
21 / 2012
22 / 2012
23 / 2012
24 / 2012
25 / 2012
22 / 2013
23 / 2013
24 / 2013