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Accessing Pingdom API with HTTParty from Rails

Hi there i have a problem while accessing Pingdom API from my rails app. Here is the code:

auth = {:username => pingdom_username, :password => pingdom_password, :key => application_key } response =HTTParty.get("", :basic_auth => auth)

I have tried in many ways (putting the app key as a separate header, having different names :key, :app_key, :api_key) but i always receive error as a mistake with the application key:


puts response.body


{"error":{"statuscode":403,"statusdesc":"Forbidden","errormessage":"Missing application key. Please see the documentation."}}

Any Ideas what am I doing Wrong? Thank you in advance


  • I found my misstake :) THe key should be provided as an HTTP header

    One way can be:

    response = HTTParty.get("", :basic_auth => auth, :headers => {"App-Key" => application_key})

    the other way is creating a class where you set the parameters and than you call get through this class.

    class Pingdom

    include HTTParty
    headers "App-Key" => "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxm6ogjzpd7v"


    response = Pingdom.get("", :basic_auth => auth)