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MIPS Programming: Load Address

The Background

I am a student just beginning to learn MIPS for one of my courses, and my professor is not allowing the usage of pseudo-instructions such as Load Address (la) in our code. I am wondering what an example of the correct usage of standard instructions would look like to store the address of a declared variable into a register for use later in the code.

My Solution

I have currently been attempting to use this code, though I am getting a syntax error in the lui instruction.

    .space 80             #Declares that Array will hold 20 integers
    lui  $s0, Array       #loads most significant bits into $s0
    ori  $s0, $s0, Array  #loads least significant bits into $s0

My Question

From what I understand, this should result in the address of Array being placed into $s0. However, as that does not seem to be the case, I'm wondering if anyone would be able to help me out on what I should be doing here.


  • You need to refer to a label in the data section in the lui and ori instructions. The following works for gnu assembler (as):

        .space 80             #Declares that Array will hold 20 integers
        lui $s0, %hi(Array)
        ori $s0, %lo(Array)
        lw  $s1, 0($s0)       # load 1st word of Array

    The %hi and %lo directives tell the linker what is going on, so that it can put the address of the label "Array" in the machine code. (NOTE: this likely doesn't work for SPIM or MARS.)

    See this question.

    See MIPS Run is the canonical book on MIPS CPUs. This book explains the MIPS instruction set, CPU architecture and how they relate to MIPS Linux.