I'm attempting to reverse engineer some software to gain a better understanding the lower-level workings of the OS. I want to replace the raw address dumps from objdump -d with the corresponding values from objdump -t, something that even the -Dslx option seems to miss.
the output from objdump -t looks like this:
00000000 l d .bss 00000000 .bss
00000000 g .text 00000000 fred
and I am able to extract the needed information using awk at indexes 1 and NF(the actual code I used is at another computer). For each record I put the fields into an array:
fields[$1] = $NF
and from here I am kind of lost. I want to use these entries to replace all occurrences of 'location' with
At this point I am just printing out the sed command to use next, then manually copying and pasting the command and executing it. it comes out looking like
objdump -d test.o | sed -e 's/<loc1>/<name1>/g'
-e 's/<loc2>/<name2>/g'
. . .
-e 's/<locN>/<nameN>/g'
I don't really like this, I want to completely automate this. I'm relatively inexperienced with some of the Bash tricks so chances are there's a simple solution I've never heard of.
example: (I don't have access to actual inputs at this point, but this is close enough for the goal I have)
00000000 g O .bbs 00000010 size
00000012 g O .bbs 00000004 count
00000200 l F .bbs 00000020 anotherVar
0x0000030 <main>:
0x00000034 xx xx mov 0x00000000, %eax
0x00000038 xx push 0x00000012
0x0000004c xx xx xx subl 0x00000200, %ebx
0x0000030 <main>:
0x00000034 xx xx mov size, %eax
0x00000038 xx push count
0x0000004c xx xx xx subl anotherVar, %ebx
There probably is a more-sophisticated answer to your question than given here (for example, doing the whole process with a single awk, python, or perl program), but until that answer appears you can automate your current process by using eval
as below.
You say you are “printing out the sed command to use next, then manually copying and pasting the command and executing it”. Suppose XYZ is the pipeline that generates and prints the sed command. Instead of using XYZ to print/copy/paste, use it to create the sed command to execute, and then use eval
to execute the command:
eval $SEDCOM
An example: If we say
t="echo do do do; echo da da da"
the resulting output is
do do do; echo da da da
but if we instead say
eval $t
the output is
do do do
da da da