Does anyone know any good and easy to use editor for translating localizable.strings files generated from xCode ?
The program will be used by total non technical people, so it should be very easy to use and ensure that no errors are made during the translation process that could lead to a non working file (for example, a missing semicolon at the end of the string, or an unescaped double quote).
I'm trying to find a really easy to use tool for our translators and I can't find one :-( The only thing I found is the Localization Suite, but I think this is too complicated to use by people that are not that techy...
Suggestions ?
I'm editing to say that Clafou's answer would have been the correct one IF Gengo supported the comments in the localizable strings file. But it is omitting it and this is not good. I really hope there is something better as a solution out there.
There is an online tool for this called Gengo String: