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How does after_save work when saving an object

If I do the following: = "John"    
@user.url = ""

If I use after_save

@user.url = ""

What will happen when I do this?

I believe it should save the value because of the 'after_save' callback.


  • In my opinion, if you call save function in a after_save callback, then it will trap into a recursion unless you put a guard at the beginning. like this

    class User < AR::Base
          after_save :change_url
          def change_url
              #Check some condition to skip saving
              url = ""
              save              #<======= this save will fire the after_save again

    However, apart from putting a guard, you can use update_column also

    def change_url
        update_column(:url, "")

    In this case it will not fire after_save. However, it will fire after_update. So if you have any update operation on that call back then you are in recursion again :)