If I have a collection with a list field similar to the below.
class Post(Document):
tags = ListField(StringField())
Let's say I have a post with the tags: interesting, funny.
And if I want to search for posts with tags fulfill any of the search terms, how should I do?
Say if I put in the search terms "interesting" and "fantastic", the above post should be there in the result set.
I tried to read through documentation but seems like there is no such operator. "all" and "in" are similar but can't perform what I want.
This is actually just a simple query eg:
class Post(Document):
tags = ListField(StringField())
>>> Post.drop_collection()
>>> Post(tags=["hello", "world"]).save()
>>> Post(tags=["cat", "dog"]).save()
>>> Post.objects(tags__in=['hello', 'cat']).count()
... 2
What this equates to is find any documents that have hello
in tags
. In would go a search where any of the items in the 'in' array match and all
is where all items match - or in other words an exact match.