Or so it should, the point is : if it will just tell you that it's not valid to leave current field empty, you could finish other fields and might forget that one ..
point is cleared.
now , say I want to cancel the whole deal I will not fill this form at all !
Luckily there's a "cancel" image button
that hides the form
, but it's also disabled.
Is there any work around other than pretend you're about to fill the form and then hit cancel as soon as the invalidEmpty-Error
clears ?
<cc1:MaskedEditExtender enabled="true" MaskType="Date" ID="insertDate_MaskedEditExtender" runat="server"
TargetControlID="TBXinsertDate" InputDirection="LeftToRight" CultureName="en-GB"
UserDateFormat="None" Mask="99/99/9999" MessageValidatorTip="true" OnFocusCssClass="maskedFocus" ErrorTooltipEnabled="true" ErrorTooltipCssClass="toolTipForInvalid"
<cc1:MaskedEditValidator Enabled="false" IsValidEmpty="false" ID="insertDate_MskValidator" ControlExtender="insertDate_MaskedEditExtender" ControlToValidate="TBXinsertDate" runat="server"
InvalidValueBlurredMessage="invalid date" EmptyValueBlurredText="requierd fileld" ErrorMessage="Error"
MaximumValue="01/01/2015" MinimumValue="01/01/2008" MinimumValueBlurredText="please enter year above 2008" MaximumValueBlurredMessage="max year value is 2015"
Default state of validator Enabled = false
because I am turning it to enabled via onClick
of a button event from code behind .
insertDate_MskValidator.Enabled = true;
stage 1 -
validator-enabled = false
form is hidden
stage 2 -
validator-enabled = true + Form visible
stage 3 -
cancel or submit
Submit will do if form is valid. Cancel is no option if you step in one of text box
Is there any way you could think of ?
i have found a remarkable way (so i think ! )
to get around it so
you can now use the Validation attribute - isValidEmpty=false
( current field is a required field )
but now you can still cancel form when field is empty even though it is not available by default
fixed the issue of : when leaving an empty field, cause surrounding controls to be disabled .
all i needed to do is when the event of onblur
is firing the validation
i am binding a function to target textbox
that executes a setTimeOut
function that execute a delay to disable the Validator as follows :
function setTDisableValidation() {
setTimeout('disableValidation()', 3500);
function disableValidation() {
var myVal = document.getElementById('insertDate_MskValidator');
myVal.disabled = true;
myVal.ValidEmpty = true;
<asp:TextBox ID="TBXinsertDate" runat="server" ToolTip="insert date" Width="76px" onblur="setTDisableValidation();">
i am not a javascript expert not even in asp.net (yet...) so i think this code could be refactored / optimised so it will be more elegant and will accept any control given as parameter