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How to get job working dir in sun grid engine?

Suppose we submit jobs by qsub under the path /path/to/working/dir, after jobs pending, we can get some information of jobs with qstat, but no working dir information is supplied by qstat.

How can we get this?


  • If you run a qstat -j jobId you will get output that has a field "sge_o_workdir:" that should have the info you need. For example if your jobID is 1234 your command would look like the below.

    qstat -j 1234

    and the output would look like the below.

    job_number:                 1234
    exec_file:                  job_scripts/1234
    submission_time:            Wed Oct 10 19:00:03 2012
    owner:                      user
    uid:                        1000
    group:                      group
    gid:                        1000
    sge_o_home:                 /home/user
    sge_o_log_name:             user
    sge_o_path:                 /usr/local/packages/sge-root/bin/lx24-amd64:/usr/bin:/bin
    sge_o_shell:                /bin/sh
    sge_o_workdir:              /path/to/workDir
    sge_o_host:                 host
    account:                    sge
    stderr_path_list:           NONE:NONE:/path/to/error/
    notify:                     FALSE
    job_name:                   myJobName
    stdout_path_list:           NONE:NONE:/path/to/output/
    jobshare:                   0
    hard_queue_list:            all.q
    script_file:                /some/
    usage    1:                 cpu=00:28:22, mem=83.71677 GBs, io=252.35721, vmem=234.090M, maxvmem=256.438M
    scheduling info: