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Running tests using firefox using selenium grid

I have tests written in and selenium. I configured selenium grid So I may run several dll's together using selenium grid. Using the following wont make the session run.

using selenium.Setup("localhost", 4444, "*chrome C:\Program Files (x86)\Mozilla Firefox\firefox.exe", My.Settings.URL)

It is throwing the following error (TestFixtureSetUp):
SetUp : Selenium.SeleniumException : ERROR: Could not retrieve a new session

I have 3 available RC with firefox, chrome and iexplore environment. Using iexplore works fine and it executes tests fine but when using firefox it wont retrieve the session. Please guide what I am doing wrong here.

edit 1: Using selenium-grid-1.0.8 version


  • Fixed the above problem of makine rc work with grid by passing the seleniumProtocol=Selenium parameters to command

     java -jar selenium-server-standalone-2.25.0.jar -role rc -hubHost localhost -browser browserName=*firefox,maxInstances=3,platform=WINDOWS,seleniumProtocol=Selenium

    In test use the following

    selenium.Setup("localhost", 4444, "*firefox", URL)

    hope it will help someone