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Big theta notation of insertion sort algorithm

I'm studying asymptotic notations from the book and I can't understand what the author means. I know that if f(n) = Θ(n^2) then f(n) = O(n^2). However, I understand from the author's words that for insertion sort function algorithm f(n) = Θ(n) and f(n)=O(n^2).

Why? Does the big omega or big theta change with different inputs?

He says that:

"The Θ(n^2) bound on the worst-case running time of insertion sort, however, does not imply a Θ(n^2) bound on the running time of insertion sort on every input. "

However it is different for big-oh notation. What does he mean? What is the difference between them?

I'm so confused. I'm copy pasting it below:

Since O-notation describes an upper bound, when we use it to bound the worst-case running time of an algorithm, we have a bound on the running time of the algorithm on every input. Thus, the O(n^2) bound on worst-case running time of insertion sort also applies to its running time on every input. The Θ(n^2) bound on the worst-case running time of insertion sort, however, does not imply a Θ(n^2) bound on the running time of insertion sort on every input. For example, when the input is already sorted, insertion sort runs in Θ(n) time.


  • Does the big omega or big theta change with different inputs?

    Yes. To give a simpler example, consider linear search in an array from left to right. In the worst and average case, this algorithm takes f(n) = a × n/2 + b expected steps for some constants a and b. But when the left element is guaranteed to always hold the key you're looking for, it always takes a + b steps.

    Since Θ denotes a strict bound, and Θ(n) != Θ(n²), it follows that the Θ for the two kinds of input is different.

    EDIT: as for Θ and big-O being different on the same input, yes, that's perfectly possible. Consider the following (admittedly trivial) example.

    When we set n to 5, then n = 5 and n < 6 are both true. But when we set n to 1, then n = 5 is false while n < 6 is still true.

    Similarly, big-O is just an upper bound, just like < on numbers, while Θ is a strict bound like =.

    (Actually, Θ is more like a < n < b for constants a and b, i.e. it defines something analogous to a range of numbers, but the principle is the same.)