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Blackberry 1 picture extreme left and 1 button extreme right

I'm making a blackberry app, I just want to know how can I align the buttons in such a way that 1 is extreme right and the picture is extreme left. I have tried horizontal manager but it's not supporting Field.Field_RIGHT and Field.Field_Left.


  • try this-

    HorizontalFieldManager hfm=new HorizontalFieldManager(FIELD_HCENTER);
    ButtonField left=new ButtonField("Left");
    ButtonField right=new ButtonField("Right");
    JustifiedHorizontalFieldManager j=new JustifiedHorizontalFieldManager(left,right, true);

    The JustifiedHorizontalFieldManager class is given below -

    public class JustifiedHorizontalFieldManager extends Manager
        private static final int SYSTEM_STYLE_SHIFT = 32;
    public Field _leftField;
    public Field _rightField;
    private boolean _giveLeftFieldPriority;
    public JustifiedHorizontalFieldManager( Field leftField, Field rightField, boolean giveLeftFieldPriority )
        this( leftField, rightField, giveLeftFieldPriority, Field.USE_ALL_WIDTH );
    public JustifiedHorizontalFieldManager( Field leftField, Field rightField, boolean giveLeftFieldPriority, long style )
        super( style );
        _leftField = leftField;
        _rightField = rightField;
        add( _leftField );
        add( _rightField );
        _giveLeftFieldPriority = giveLeftFieldPriority;
    public JustifiedHorizontalFieldManager( boolean giveLeftFieldPriority, long style )
        super( style ); 
        _giveLeftFieldPriority = giveLeftFieldPriority;
    public void addLeftField( Field field )
        if( _leftField != null ) {
            throw new IllegalStateException();
        _leftField = field;
        add( _leftField );
    public void addRightField( Field field )
        if( _rightField != null ) {
            throw new IllegalStateException();
        _rightField = field;
        add( _rightField );
    public int getPreferredWidth()
        return _leftField.getPreferredWidth() + _rightField.getPreferredWidth();
    public int getPreferredHeight()
        return Math.max( _leftField.getPreferredHeight(), _rightField.getPreferredHeight() );
    protected void sublayout( int width, int height )
        Field firstField;
        Field secondField;
        if( _giveLeftFieldPriority ) {
            firstField = _leftField;
            secondField = _rightField;
        } else {
            firstField = _rightField;
            secondField = _leftField;
        int maxHeight = 0;
        int availableWidth = width;
        availableWidth -= _leftField.getMarginLeft();
        availableWidth -= Math.max( _leftField.getMarginRight(), _rightField.getMarginLeft() );
        availableWidth -= _rightField.getMarginRight();
        layoutChild( firstField, availableWidth, height - firstField.getMarginTop() - firstField.getMarginBottom() );
        maxHeight = Math.max( maxHeight, firstField.getMarginTop() + firstField.getHeight() + firstField.getMarginBottom() );
        availableWidth -= firstField.getWidth();
        layoutChild( secondField, availableWidth, height - secondField.getMarginTop() - secondField.getMarginBottom() );
        maxHeight = Math.max( maxHeight, secondField.getMarginTop() + secondField.getHeight() + secondField.getMarginBottom() );
        availableWidth -= secondField.getWidth();
        if( !isStyle( Field.USE_ALL_HEIGHT ) ) {
            height = maxHeight;
        if( !isStyle( Field.USE_ALL_WIDTH ) ) {
            width -= availableWidth;
        setPositionChild( _leftField, _leftField.getMarginLeft(), getFieldY( _leftField, height ) );
        setPositionChild( _rightField, width - _rightField.getWidth() - _rightField.getMarginRight(), getFieldY( _rightField, height ) );
        setExtent( width, height );
    private int getFieldY( Field field, int height )
        switch( (int)( ( field.getStyle() & FIELD_VALIGN_MASK ) >> SYSTEM_STYLE_SHIFT ) ) {
            case (int)( FIELD_BOTTOM >> SYSTEM_STYLE_SHIFT ):
                return height - field.getHeight() - field.getMarginBottom();
            case (int)( FIELD_VCENTER >> SYSTEM_STYLE_SHIFT ):
                return field.getMarginTop() + ( height - field.getMarginTop() - field.getHeight() - field.getMarginBottom() ) / 2;
                return field.getMarginTop();
    public Field getLeftField()
        return _leftField;
    public Field getRightField()
        return _rightField;
    public void replace( Field oldField, Field newField )
        if( oldField == newField ) {
            // Nothing to do
        if( oldField == _leftField ) {
            _leftField = newField;
        } else if( oldField == _rightField ) {
            _rightField = newField;
        add( newField );
        delete( oldField );