I have created a datagrid in WPF which has cell values continuously changing, But I am not able to change the backcolor of a the cells with respect to the previous value of cell, for Example if the value of the cell changes from 10 to 20 the the color of the cell should become green indicating that the value increased and if the value becomes 5, the cell backcolor should become red indicating that the value has decreased. I have done that in winforms on cellvaluechange event of datagridview, but in WPF I am not able to do the same. any of the professionals have done anything regarding that.
Create a property IsIncreased
in your cell's DataContext
to hold a Nullable<bool>
according to increasing/decreasing.
public class DatagridCellViewModel: INotifyPropertyChanged
public event PropertyChangedEventHandler PropertyChanged;
protected void FirePropertyChanged(string propertyName)
if (PropertyChanged != null)
PropertyChanged(this, new PropertyChangedEventArgs(propertyName));
private bool _isIncreased
public bool? IsIncreased
get{ return _isIncreased; }
_isIncreased = value,
//this is going to store the value you have in your table. Don't forget to bind it to the cells content
private int _dataValue;
public int DataValue
get{ return _dataValue; }
if(_dataValue != value)
IsIncreased = _dataValue < value
_dataValue= value;
//other properties and methods
public class DataGridViewModel
private ICollection<DataGridRowViewModel> _myDgRows = new ObservableCollection<DataGridRowViewModel>();
public ObservableCollection<DataGridRowViewModel> MyDgRows { get{ return _myDgRows;}
public class DataGridRowViewModel : INotifyPropertyChanged // don't forget to implement this interface
//put here fields and properties you want to display in a row in your datagrid
//that means as many fields as many columns you have
private DataGridCellViewModel _cellValue;
public int CellValue
get{ return _cellValue; }
_cellValue= value;
Create a DataTrigger
to set the background of the cell according to the IsIncreased
<DataGrid ItemsSource="{Binding MyDgRows}" AutoGenerateColumns="False" >
<DataGridTemplateColumn Header="ChangingValues" Width="SizeToCells">
<TextBox Name="ContentTbx" Text="{Binding CellValue.DataValue}" />
<DataTrigger Binding="{Binding CellValue.IsIncreased}" Value="True">
<Setter Property="Background" Value="Green" />
<DataTrigger Binding="{Binding CellValue.IsIncreased}" Value="False">
<Setter TargetName="ContentTbx" Property="Background" Value="Red"/>
Set the IsIncreased prop every time when the cells Data prop changed
EDIT : Don't bind table but an ObservableCollecition calls MyDgRows. For this a DataGridViewModel instance should be your DataGrids DataContext.
Probably you need to deal with int-string conversion in the DataValue prop.
For that matter I googled
datagrid wpf
the first link was this
datatriggers datatemplate
the second result was this
and they covers almost the whole issue. Be more self-sufficient