Im wondering if there is some means of just plopping a prepaired statement into the Zend Database class, and using that rather then using ->select()
, ->from()
, ->where()
. I have tried the below query in just ->query()
but that fails to. I only ask cause all the references I find even in the zend docs speak towards mysqli only. I'm finding the DB class to be very annoying with more complex queries (and even then really not that complex).
I have this query
FROM my_mapping AS org
INNER JOIN my_users AS users ON org.userid = users.userid
WHERE (org.orgid = 'generated-id')
AND (org.roleid::text LIKE 'partner-%');
And I have been trying to conform it to the matching zend DB version
$select = $db->select()
->from(array('org' => 'my_mapping'),
'orgid' => 'org.orgid',
'roleid' =>'org.roleid',
'userid' =>'users.userid',
'email' =>'',
'firstname' =>'users.firstname',
'lastname' =>'users.lastname',
'contact' =>'',
'state' =>'users.state',
'ts' =>'users.ts',
'alternate_delivery_email' =>'users.alternate_delivery_email',
'unbound' =>'users.unbound',
'blocked' =>'users.blocked'
->join(array('my_users' => 'users'),'org.userid = users.userid',array())
->where('org.orgid = ?',$mspID)
->where('org.roleid::text LIKE ?', 'partner-%');
Which gives me nothing but problems. No matter which way I try to change it to work. Yet, going in the terminal and using the straight query works fine, I get results and everything else. So with that I set out to see if I could find a means of using that exact query passed into the the Zend DB class, so I can work with the output like i would otherwise with queries that actually work with Zend DB class. But all references I find in that manor are specific to mysql or mysqli, so I am not sure if it will work, and if it will how exactly do I string it together?
Also worth mentioning is "org.roleid" is a "enum" hence the ::text
, also roleid and userid are "uuid".
The Error I am getting is:
Warning: PDO::quote() expects parameter 1 to be string, object given in ........ on line ...
SQLSTATE[42601]: Syntax error: 7 ERROR: syntax error at end of input LINE 1: SELECT "my_users".* FROM "my_users" WHERE ( ^
You need to use Zend_Db_Statement to do prepared statements in Zend Framework -
Also, here is another stackoverflow thread discussing the same - How to use prepared statements in Zend Framework