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Android nfcee_access.xml

I am trying to run android-se-access which requires Secure element access and I have to include the certificate into nfcee_access.xml

I run the command

keytool -exportcert -v -keystore ~/.android/debug.keystore -alias androiddebugkey -storepass android|xxd -p -|tr -d '\n'

and include them into the file. But installing the apk from eclipse onto google nexus 7 still results in a forced close.

Did I generate the cert incorrectly ?


  • Check logcat output, if it says something like 'denied access to package xxx', there might be a problem. If you specified the <pacakge/> tag, make sure it's correct. You also need to restart the device after you modify nfcee_access.xml.

    BTW, I haven't tried this on N7 (maybe I should), but it should work.