I have a problem with Foursquare API push notification.
I'm using foursquare real time push notification, but it's quite hard to test it. I can send test pushes to my Web application, and everything seems to work fine, the status is OK, and I see received info in my logs. But push notifications from the real account never come, there is no info in the logs.
I use the "Push checkins at venues managed by this app's users" type of pushes. I have registered my own foursquare venue with type home (private location), but when I check-in to this location, I don't receive any push.
Hovewer, when I switch push type to "Push checkins by this app's users", it works fine. I am confused — why don't I receive pushes for my home location? Is it not supported?
Users do not "manage" their home venues. A managed venue refers specifically to businesses that have been claimed by their owners. If you would like to receive push notifications on home check-ins, you should configure your app to receive push notifications from all check-ins.