I have to set a list of title/authors item inside an html page, with each title/author line inside a <li>
like this:
<li> title name - <em>author name</em></li>
<li> title name - <em>author name</em></li>
<li> title name - <em>author name</em></li>
and so on...
They gave me an Excel file with two columns, one for title and one for authors, with about 90-100 rows.
What is the best and quickest way to obtain a list with <li>
s like those stated above? (I use Sublime Text 2)
Simply copy/pasting inside Sublime Text 2, i have a separate line for each title/author row, like this
title name author name
title name author name
title name author name
nothing else..
I can easely wrap every single line inside an <li>
thx to:
s for the authors.
as the cursor):
*copy* authors name as single lines
|author name1
|author name2
|author name3
|author name4
*paste* authors as single line each where the cursor "|" stands
<li>title name - <em> |author name1 </em></li>
<li>title name - <em> |author name2 </em></li>
<li>title name - <em> |author name3 </em></li>
<li>title name - <em> |author name4 </em></li>
Unfortunately what actually happens (in sublime text 2) is this:
<li>title name - <em> |author name1
author name2
author name3
author name4 </em></li>
<li>title name - <em> |author name1
author name2
author name3
author name4 </em></li>
<li>title name - <em> |author name1
author name2
author name3
author name4 </em></li>
<li>title name - <em> |author name1
author name2
author name3
author name4 </em></li>
all the copied lines simply get pasted in block for every single cursor
Probably you only have to verify that the number of lines copied to the clipboard matches the number of lines splitted with CMD+SHIFT+L.
If they match, Sublime Text behaves as you expected, copying each source line to each destination line (at least on my machine... :).