I have cruised and implemented code from some of the other responses to this question, but I'm still having no luck. I am still getting the error.
If ((bReport And bIsDate And CheckPermissions("lotsales")) Or Request.QueryString("report")) Then
Dim oRs, sSQL, sSQL2, iCancellations, iSales, sDate, sInitDate, sEndDate, iPhaseID, iPhaseNumber, rowCount
sInitDate = Request("startDate")
sEndDate = Request("endDate")
sSQL = "sp_get_lot_sales_test '" & sInitDate & "', '" & sEndDate & "', " & sPhase & ", '" & sReportView & "'"
'response.write vbNewLine & "<!-- sql: " & sSQL & "-->" & vbNewLine
'response.write sSQL
Set oRs = ExecuteCommand(sSQL,1)
End If
And then here is where the error occurs -
If (oRs.EOF) Then <-- fails here
Response.Write("<TR><TD ALIGN=""center"">There is no data to report on!</TD></TR>")
Do While Not oRs.EOF
As a last resort I am going to go back to the stored procedure and deconstruct it to make sure all is well there. Does anyone have any insight as to why I might be getting the error? I am not issuing a close anywhere.
Here is the ExecuteCommand function -
Function ExecuteCommand(s,i)
On Error Resume Next
Set ExecuteCommand = oDBc.Execute(s, , i)
End Function
You need a connection object.
set conn = server.CreateObject("adodb.connection")
set oRs = conn.execute(sSql)