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How do I use an external Javascript library in CRM Dynamics?

I'll be doing some REST-ing and oData-ing so I got the executable from DataJS project. I've added the file datajs-1.0.3.min.js as a web resource and my own qwerty.js as another one. So, I've ended up with two web resources called:

  1. CRMKonsulterna_MyOwnStuff
  2. CRMKonsulterna_TheCoolStuff

The problem is now that when I execute the code snippet below from web resource 1 that I've found on their site, I get a crash telling me that:

Field: window

Event: onload

Error: 'OData' is undefined

var shazoo = function () {

    function (data) {
      var html = "";
        $.each(data.results, function (l) { 
          html += "<div>" + l.CategoryName + "</div>";



How can I refer from a method inside web resource 1 to a method inside web resource 2? I've found this discussion but it didn't give me much. I can't even tell if it's helpful if one understand what they're talking about.


I've made some changes and went for trying if OData is known to my method like this.


Expecting a null value, I was surprised to discover that it gave me {Object object} instead. So, I'm guessing the connection between web resources is made. Is it so? Also, still, how can I make the call to get me some oData formatted data?!


  • Have you added both libraries to the entity? It's not sufficient to add them only as web resources.

    1. Settings -> Solution ->
    2. {pick the solution} -> or Customizations -> Customize the System ->
    3. Components -> Entities -> {pick the entity} -> Forms -> {pick the form type}
    4. Form properties -> Form Libraries