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Using TScrollBox to Contain TExpander components

Well i have one scrollbox aligned to left of my form, inside the scrollbox i have TExpander components aligned to Top, this expanders exceed the area of the scrollbox so i guess the scrollbars must be visibles but they aren't. I think the problem is with the aligned on top of the Texpanders because if i change the alignment of the Texpander ho are exceeding the margins of the scrollbox to alNone the scrollbars apear, but i need to have the Texpander aligned on top because his constatly size changing. Any ideas? Thanks a lot!


  • Have no idea why it worked, but set the 'TExpander.Align' to 'alTop', and then set 'TExpander.Anchors' to:

    akLeft = True
    akTop = True
    akRight = False
    akBottom = False

    Worked for me ;)