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Wikimedia API image search with public domain filter

I would like to query Wikimedia API to find all images that contain a keyword and filter only the images that are public domain. So no additional CC-SA license.

Curently I'm using the following query to extract the images:

But this is curently returning all the images regardless of their licencing. Maybe I need to modify the namespace but I don't know where to look.



  • Um, your current api query does two very distinct things:

    • get the first 10 images from the page Wikipedia:Public Domain - the pages result, you could specify additional properties to get for that result set
    • search the namespace 6 for the word roses

    Unfortunately, you can't restrict the search module to search only in some categories, you can only limit it to a single namespace. So you would need to get the categories of all search results and filter them yourself for images in the Category:Public Domain (and all its subcategories). The API query would look like


    Don't forget to continue the query, if you want 10 images that match your category criteria you might need to query (a lot) more than that.