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Using MySQL database for authentication in Ja-sig CAS

I'm trying to hook my Ja-sig CAS server (v3.5 running on Tomcat7) up to a MySQL database for user authentication. I basically have a table 'users' in the database storing username/password pairs that I want CAS to check against. However, I'm having difficulty even getting my current configuration to deploy.

This is an excerpt from pom.xml as it relates to database connectivity:




And here is where I try to setup the database connection in WEB-INF/deployerConfigContext.xml:

   <property name="tableUsers">
   <property name="fieldUser">
   <property name="fieldPassword">
   <property name="passwordEncoder">
        <constructor-arg value="MD5" />
   <property name="dataSource" ref="dataSource" />

<bean id="datasource"
    <property name="driverClassName">
    <property name="url">
    <property name="username">
    <property name="password">

It builds perfectly fine with Maven, but when I try to deploy it with Tomcat it doesn't work. I haven't been able to find anything particularly informative in any of the tomcat logs. I'm wondering if there might be a problem with 'commons-dbcp', since when I comment that out and use a simple authentication handler in deployerConfigContext.xml, I'm able to deploy.

There seems to be little/poor documentation of this from my current web research. If anyone has any good resources they could recommend as well, it would be greatly appreciated.


  • I finally found a trace of errors in the tomcat log localhost.YYYY-MM-DD.log. As it turns out, I needed to add commons-pool:


    which commons-dbcp is dependent upon. Installing this with Maven did away with the missing class exception I was getting.

    My next problem was that I had mistakenly defined my datasource bean in the list of authenticationHandlers in deployerConfigContext.xml, which led to a type conversion exception. Moving the bean out of the list tag did the trick.