Search code examples

Getting Error in retrieving data from Google Spreadsheet API using Structure Query (sq) in Android

I am working with Google Spreadsheet API in Android. I am successfully done with the integration and able to retrieve the rows. But facing a little problem in search functionality. I am having 3-4 different search for the spreadsheet. The problem is that in my spreadsheet in some columns I am having space between words.

For e.g Hello World is a value in row number 5 and the header name for this row is let say test.

So when i search for the Hello World it is throwing InValidEntryException : Bad Request.

I also try with URLEncoder.encode(String url) and also replace the space with %20. But none of that work for me. I know i am getting the error because of the space but don't know how to resolve. Tried with this 2 things but still struggling with the error.

If anyone has any idea please kindly help. Below is the error log.

Error Log :-

10-09 14:26:29.048: I/System.out(1009): URL ==>
10-09 14:26:30.327: D/dalvikvm(1009): GC_CONCURRENT freed 439K, 46% free 3492K/6407K, external 920K/1417K, paused 18ms+14ms
10-09 14:26:31.847: I/System.out(1009): Service
10-09 14:26:31.877: W/System.err(1009): Bad Request
10-09 14:26:31.887: W/System.err(1009): Parse error: null
10-09 14:26:31.967: W/System.err(1009):     at
10-09 14:26:32.217: W/System.err(1009):     at
10-09 14:26:32.228: W/System.err(1009):     at
10-09 14:26:32.228: W/System.err(1009):     at
10-09 14:26:32.228: W/System.err(1009):     at
10-09 14:26:32.228: W/System.err(1009):     at
10-09 14:26:32.228: W/System.err(1009):     at
10-09 14:26:32.237: W/System.err(1009):     at
10-09 14:26:32.259: W/System.err(1009):     at
10-09 14:26:32.259: W/System.err(1009):     at com.test.voter.SearchActivity$SearchTask.doInBackground(
10-09 14:26:32.259: W/System.err(1009):     at com.test.voter.SearchActivity$SearchTask.doInBackground(
10-09 14:26:32.259: W/System.err(1009):     at android.os.AsyncTask$
10-09 14:26:32.278: W/System.err(1009):     at java.util.concurrent.FutureTask$Sync.innerRun(
10-09 14:26:32.287: W/System.err(1009):     at
10-09 14:26:32.287: W/System.err(1009):     at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(
10-09 14:26:32.312: W/System.err(1009):     at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$
10-09 14:26:32.312: W/System.err(1009):     at


1)URL listFeedUrl = new  URI(worksheet.getListFeedUrl().toString() + "?sq=" + URLEncoder.encode("streetname=\"164Th\"")).toURL(); 

2)URL listFeedUrl = new  URI(worksheet.getListFeedUrl().toString() + "?sq=" + URLEncoder.encode("streetnumber=\"1923\"%20and%20streetname=\"164Th\"")).toURL();

(1) Works perfectly fine but when used multiple parameter (2) it does not work, giving the same InvalidEntryException again.


  • Or you could search the issues list for issue 2308 and notice comment 3:

    if you just wrap the name in quotes, it works fine. You can even use spaces in your column names here.${KEY}/records/0?sq="5B"+%3D+3${KEY}/records/0?sq="the+cat"+%3D+3

    ... and hope that what was not documented in respect of the records feed was actually implemented in respect of the list feed, despite the transition to a 'WontFix' status later.