I want to run my django project under gunicorn on localhost. I installed and integrated gunicorn. When I run:
python manage.py run_gunicorn
It works but there are no any static files (css and js)
I disabled debug and template_debug in settings.py (made them false), but it is still same. Am I missing something?
I call statics like:
{{ STATIC_URL }}css/etc....
When in development mode and when you are using some other server for local development add this to your urls.py
from django.contrib.staticfiles.urls import staticfiles_urlpatterns
# ... the rest of your URLconf goes here ...
urlpatterns += staticfiles_urlpatterns()
Note that staticfiles_urlpatterns()
will only work when DEBUG = True
is set in your settings.py
More info here
When in production you never, ever put gunicorn in front. Instead you use a server like nginx which dispatches requests to a pool of gunicorn workers and also serves the static files.
See here