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Making JPopupMenu's submenus heavyweight advices how to make JPopupMenus heavyweight. Just set the property:


It works fine, but if I have submenus in the popup, implemented as JMenu items, they don't seem to inherit the popup's heavy weight. JMenu doesn't have a method to make itself heavyweight, and using an AWT Menu isn't an option, since I want to put Swing items into it.

How do I make the submenus heavyweight, too?


  • It seems to be a Swing bug. Setting the global property


    works! Also submenu JMenu items go heavy, as they should. Obviously the per-instance method setLightWeightPopupEnabled should work similarly, but it doesn't.

    I filed a bug (Bug Id: 7005406) on this, but I leave the question here just in case that someone else bumps on this. So the solution is to use the global setting until the bug gets fixed.