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Ruby.Metaprogramming. class_eval
I have this little project, the goal is to create a 'attr_accessor_with_history' method, that will keep a record of every single value assigned to variables created by it. Here's the code :
class Class
def attr_accessor_with_history(attr_name)
attr_name = attr_name.to_s # make sure it's a string
attr_reader attr_name # create the attribute's getter
attr_reader attr_name+"_history" # create bar_history getter
a = %Q{
def initialize
@#{attr_name}_history = [nil]
def #{attr_name}
def #{attr_name}=(new_value)
end }
puts a
Now, when I test the script for one variable. It works fine. But when I try to create two or more variables (like this) ....
class Foo
attr_accessor_with_history :bar
attr_accessor_with_history :lab
a = Foo.new
a.bar = 45
a.bar = 5
a.bar = 'taat'
puts a.bar_history
b = Foo.new
b.lab = 4
b.lab = 145
b.lab = 'tatu'
puts b.lab_history
....Ruby gives out a "no-existing 'push' method for (class_eval) bar_history.push(new_value)". I think that 'initialize' method gets overriden on the second call of attr_accessor_with_history, so the record for the first variable gets destroyed.
I have no idea how to get around this. I already tried calling 'super' . Any clue ?
In your setter method just check if the the history instance variable is already initialized:
def #{attr_name}=(new_value)
@#{attr_name}_history ||= [nil]
You'll need another getter for your history variable that sets your default value if it was not set before:
def #{attr_name}_history
@#{attr_name}_history ||= [nil]
Then you could remove your initialize method, that was btw vulnerable to be overwritten.