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Persisting state in the android Application class

I am developing an Android application consisting of over 10 activities. I have some state objects that I access in almost every activity and for this purpose these were implemented as global static variables in the MyApplication class.

I noticed that this approach is OK as long as the user is "in" the application. However, when he presses the home button and opens another apps and then goes back to my app through the "Recent activities" button, I see that the Android system resets the statics from the MyApplication so I have to deal with NullPointerExceptions. I know that this behaviour is caused by Android killing and recreating the application process.

I know that the best way to persist this kind of data is using SharedPreferences or SQLite, and I have no problem checking if MyState==null in the onCreate for and restoring it, but the problem is that I don't know when to properly store my state object (in prefs or database). I tried to override MyApplication's finalize() - no good, I saw that onLowMemory may not be called, I don't see how can I use onPause, OnStop and so on because I have so many activities that the serialization de-serialization would considerably slow down the app.

Any thoughts? Thanks in advance!


  • It is better to not depend on the Application class unless you need to load some data, before anything else is started. Android can kill your process at any time to free resources, so your app should be able to handle this. Save all of your data in a snigleton class, and load it lazily -- check for null, and if so load on first access. It the state needs to be persistent, consider staving it file/shared prefs. If not, your app can probably live without it, so just make sure you check for null, etc.

    Generally, you should persist state when activities become inactive -- onStop(), onPause(), but you can save as soon as it makes sense (e.g., the user has entered all required data). Spin off an AsyncTask to save data in the background and let the user continue their work.