I need to grab the event if a user drags and then drop the pegman on a marker which is there on the map. How to do this?
You can set the pegman's location manually, as it is done in this example:
The short code version is like this:
var G = google.maps;
var svpOptions = {
// navigationControl: false,
// addressControl: false,
// linksControl: false,
addressControlOptions: {
style: {
border: '1px solid white',
backgroundColor: 'black',
font: 'normal 10px verdana',
color: 'white'
var latlon = new google.maps.LatLng(45.0, -90.0);
svpContainer = document.getElementById('svpDiv');
var svp = new G.StreetViewPanorama(svpContainer,svpOptions);