I'm trying to get and show total size of row from database,
$swall = $db->super_query("SELECT sum(size) as sum FROM dle_photo_post");
$tpl->set("{swall}", $swall['sum']);
With above code, my result is like his: 82447456
Example 2: With this Code:
$swall = $db->super_query("SELECT sum(size)/1024 as sum FROM dle_photo_post");
$tpl->set("{swall}", $swall['sum']);
I got this: 80515.0938
but i need to show total in MB, like this: 80 MB
how i can show total size result in megabyte?
$swall = $db->super_query("SELECT sum(size)/1024/1024 as sum FROM dle_photo_post");
$tpl->set("{swall}", number_format($swall['sum'], 0));
Then you can use number_format (http://www.php.net/manual/en/function.number-format.php) to format the size.