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DocBook: Specifying code or markup

You can specify equations using <equation> and also several others, but what tag must be used to specify code? More specifically, PHP, HTML, CSS and Javascript? Is there a plugin that you can use with OxygenXML to add these features automatically? I need to output as PDF.


  • I'm working on a project which uses docbook, and has examples in PHP.

    The examples in PHP are using programlisting tag, like this :

    <programlisting language="php"><![CDATA[<?php
    // Here goes the PHP code

    Note the language attribute.
    It is used later by another tool to add syntax-coloration, when generating the ouput (for HTML output, at least)

    For examples that are not specific to one programming language, like configuration files, we are using the screen tag ; for instance, for a part of an Apache-related config file, an example would be :

    <screen><![CDATA[# Setup Listening Port
    NameVirtualHost *:80
    # Ensure "localhost" is preserved unchanged pointed
    # to the default document root for our system.
    <VirtualHost *:80>
        ServerName localhost
        DocumentRoot /var/www

    Quoting their documentations :

    A programlisting is a verbatim environment for program source or source fragment listings. The programlistings are often placed in examples or figures so that they can be cross-referenced from the text.

    And :

    A screen is a verbatim environment for displaying text that the user might see on a computer terminal. It is often used to display the results of a command.

    Having less specific semantic overtones, screen is often used wherever a verbatim presentation is desired, but the semantic of programlisting is inappropriate.

    So, these two seem quite appropriate.