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Form validating the content of an uploaded XML file

I have a form where an XML file is uploaded. After the form is submitted I have to check the content of a pair of tags in the XML file. If the content of the tags is different from some expected, an error should be shown next to the form.

I don't know exactly how to organize this code, any help?

tags: prevalidation, postvalidation


  • You have several places to perform this check:

    • in the action that create the form
    • in the form using a custom validator
    • in the model class (wich isn't really recommended ...)

    I prefer the custom validator because if you have to re-use the form somewhere else you won't have to re-implement the logic of checking the xml.

    So in your sfForm class, add a custom validator to your file widget:

    class MyForm extends sfForm
      public function configure()
        // .. other widget / validator configuration
        $this->validatorSchema['file'] = new customXmlFileValidator(array(
          'required'  => true,

    And inside your new validator at /lib/validator/customXmlFileValidator.class.php:

    // you extend sfValidatorFile, so you keep the basic file validator
    class customXmlFileValidator extends sfValidatorFile
      protected function configure($options = array(), $messages = array())
        parent::configure($options, $messages);
        // define a custom message for the xml validation
        $this->addMessage('xml_invalid', 'The XML is not valid');
      protected function doClean($value)
        // it returns a sfValidatedFile object
        $value = parent::doClean($value);
        // load xml file
        $doc = new DOMDocument();
        // do what ever you want with the dom to validate your xml
        $xpath = new DOMXPath($doc);
        // if validation failed, throw an error
        if (true !== $result)
          throw new sfValidatorError($this, 'xml_invalid');
        // otherwise return the sfValidatedFile object from the extended class
        return $value;

    Do not forget to clear your cache php symfony cc and it should be ok.