I have two versions of my model Model001.xcdatamodel
and Model002.xcdatamodel
. These two are in the Model.xcdatamodeld
I also have a Model001to002.xcmappingmodel
which is not part of the Model.xcdatamodeld
. I checked: both the xcmappingmodel and the xcdatamodeld get copied into the .app bundle.
My managed object context is initialized like this:
NSURL *documentModel = [bundle URLForResource:@"Model" withExtension:@"momd"]; managedObjectModel = [[NSManagedObjectModel alloc] initWithContentsOfURL:documentModel]; return managedObjectModel;
I also set these properties on my overridden initWithFileURL:
in my UIManagedObject
NSMutableDictionary *options = [NSMutableDictionary dictionaryWithDictionary:self.persistentStoreOptions]; [options setObject:@YES forKey:NSMigratePersistentStoresAutomaticallyOption]; [options setObject:@YES forKey:NSInferMappingModelAutomaticallyOption]; self.persistentStoreOptions = [options copy];
But when I try to open a documet, I get the following error:
Can't find mapping model for migration
-- UPDATE --
Even if I do a manual migration
[NSMappingModel mappingModelFromBundles:@[[NSBundle mainBundle]] forSourceModel:sourceObjectModel destinationModel:self.managedObjectModel];
this returns nil. Although I double checked that the Model001to002.cdm is in the app bundle. It has to be in the app bundle right?
OK, solved the problem by removing all core data files from Xcode, reading them and setting the source and destination of the mapping model again.
Damn you Xcode!