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Highlighting js-code inside php file

I have a file script.js.php. It contains PHP and JavaScript code(the js depends on the php). And it is to be included into a page as js-file.

<script type="text/javascript" src="script.js.php"></script>

Example of script.js.php

    require_once 'functions.php'
var vars = {
    var1: 'value1',
    var2: 'value2',
    var2: '<?php echo phpFunction(); ?>'

Does anybody know, is it possible to make PhpStorm higlight JavaScript code within a PHP file without using script-tag?

Maybe there is some kind of pseudo-tags which wouldn't affect final html/js but make PhpStorm hightlight code "properly", e.g.

<!-- <section language="javascript">--> 
    js goes here 
<!-- </section> -->


  • Settings | Template Data Languages -- find your file(s) or folder(s) and assign JavaScript to them (instead of default HTML).

    If you keep your stuff well organized, then you will benefit from keeping all *.js.php files under separate subfolder -- this allows single assignment for a whole folder (and all files inside) instead of multiple assignments for individual files.