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Submit with enter key

Is there an idiomatic way for me trigger my formlet's submit action when a keydown event is pressed?

Should I drop back down to DOM manipulation, or is there some Enhancement that I can use?


  • Unfortunately, at the moment there is no standard way to do this. We do intend to add it in a future version though, either as an Enhance combinator or as a new option to Enhance.WithCustomSubmit*.

    We actually encountered the same problem when creating FPish, and we use the following workaround:

    let TriggerOnEnter (formlet : Formlet<'T>) =
        |> Formlet.MapElement (fun elem ->
            let e = JQuery.JQuery.Of(elem.Body)
            e.Keypress(fun _ k ->
                // Opera uses charCode
                if k?keyCode = 13 || k?charCode = 13 then
                    JavaScript.SetTimeout (fun _ ->
                    ) 100 |> ignore

    Note that it triggers the first button in the form, so you might need adjustments to the jQuery selector to make it actually trigger the submit button.