In my database I have table with a name column containing grades, like 1. grade, 2. grade, and so on. When the numbers have reached 10 or more, the sorting doesn't work as I would like, as 10. grade comes before 2. grade in the sorted recordset. I know this is because string sorting is different from integer sorting. The question is how to sort these strings in a numeric way.
Because the grade-records are a part of a tree buildt with the ancestry plugin, I have to put the whole sorting code inside :order => "(some code that sorts the results)".
I have tried :order => "CAST(SUBSTRING_INDEX(name, '.') AS SIGNED)"
. But this doesn't work.
I use SQLite in my development environment and MySQL in the production environment.
try this:
replace the constant vale '. grade' of your column with empty string, then you get the numeric value. cast the same to int
order by cast(replace(name,'. grade','') as int)
as per your comment if its not 'grade' always, then try
order by cast(left(name,LOCATE('.',name,1)-1) as UNSIGNED)