My free app is occupying 2x space on the device, because it has copy protection enabled, in Google Play.
I didn't enable this. I'm wondering if it's necessary. The 2x space is very negative and I would like to disable it.
I know also that copy protection is deprecated, and LVM encouraged instead, but I don't know if that's usable for my use case. Maybe I just have to disable copy protection.
There's probably no reason besides wanting to protect the code? But I don't think I have any abnormally, outstanding code there, only good programming and some clever tricks :)
So does it make any sense, in my case, to use copy protection / LVM or do I just disable it?
To protect the code a bit maybe only obfuscate with ProGuard?
Especially with the ease of rooting a device and copying it anyway, obfuscation is your friend here, especially if copy protection is making your app sp much larger. And copy protecting a free app is kinda pointless anyway, no? I'd just disable it, and obfuscate if you're worried.