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JSNI with backbone structure

I got a question when trying to wrap some Javascript APIs with JSNI of Google Web Toolkit. The javascript API is provided by, a cloud based server. My code is like this:

public class MMParseComm {

  private MMProject project = new MMProject();//MMProject has a member: String projectName.

  private String _projectName;

  private native void _retrieveCurrentProject_step1(int projectId) /*-{
    var ProjectList = $wnd.Parse.Object.extend("ProjectList");
    var query = new $wnd.Parse.Query(ProjectList);
    query.equalTo("projectId", projectId);
        success: function(results) {
            //Questions here: In this function, I can access "_projectName" by 
            //[email protected]::_projectName, 
            //but cannot access "project.projectName" using the same syntax.
            //Also, I have searched around but cannot find a way 
            //that can write out a JSON data retrieved in "results" 
            //as a JSONObject in Java.
        error: function(error) {

As shown on the code above, the questions are in the commented part of the code. I'm not sure how can I write a string in array results out into project.projectName? Also, how can I wrap a JSON data retrieved from results in javascript to be a JSONObject in Java?

Thanks in advance!



  • I don't think the JSNI external call syntax supports chain invocation which is why you can't access project.projectName.

    I assume you have a external JavaScript prototype of type Project. You would be better off here creating a overlay type than using the JSONObject API to parse it - it's more efficient and simpler to work with. I'll get you started..

    public class MMProject extends JavaScriptObject
        protected MMProject () { }
        public final native String getProjectId() /*-{
            return this.projectId;

    Then utilize the wrapper with your success callback.

    I suspect that results is probably an array type so your implementation might look like this:

    public class MMParseComm
        private JsArray<MMProject> projects = null;
        private native void _retrieveCurrentProject_step1(int projectId) /*-{
            var ProjectList = $wnd.Parse.Object.extend("ProjectList");
            var query = new $wnd.Parse.Query(ProjectList);
            query.equalTo("projectId", projectId);
                success: function(results) {
                    [email protected]::projects = results;
                error: function(error) {

    Without knowing the specifics of your object model this is the best I can advise you. If you need further clarity I can assist you.