I have been learning how to deploy applets. I have put my code in a jar, have signed it and now I am trying to put it on weebly.com. The error in the java console says that the Minesweeper.class cannot be found. I believe I have the codebase pointing to the right folder. Thanks for any help.
<applet code = "Minesweeper.class"
codebase = "lbushmanportfolio.weebly.com/uploads/1/2/7/5/12755120/"
archive = "Minesweeper.jar"
width = "550"
height = "580">
The error in the java console says that the Minesweeper.class cannot be found.
That is not surprising, given http://lbushmanportfolio.weebly.com/uploads/1/2/7/5/12755120/Minesweeper.jar is a 404.
BTW - why is the applet digitally signed? Here is what I see when I refuse the digitally signed code.
To put that another way, the basics of the game seem to work fine in sand-boxed code. OTOH, if a non Oracle JRE user refused the digitally signed code (e.g. an 'Iced Tea' JRE user), the applet would not be loaded at all!