We would like to display in a GridView suppliers and a bulleted list of the products for each of the products that are displayed.
For example:
Supplier One Product A
Product B
Supplier Two Product A
Product B
Product C
This is what the GridView looks like:
<HeaderStyle CssClass="HeaderStyle" />
<AlternatingRowStyle CssClass="AlternatingRowStyle" />
HeaderText="Supplier" />
<asp:TemplateField HeaderText="Products">
DataSource='<%# %>'
This is the code-behind file that loads the data into the GridView:
Protected Sub Page_Load(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Me.Load
Dim suppliersAdapter As New SuppliersTableAdapter
GridView1.DataSource = suppliersAdapter.GetSuppliers()
End Sub
Can you tell us what to place in the asp:BulletedList DataSouce so the products can also be shown?
* Update *
Thanks to everyone for the help. I removed the DataSource='<%# %>' line and here is the additional working coding now in place based on your help in the code-behind file.
Since I'm learning ASP.Net, I added a lot of comments in the code to help myself learn what's going on and what makes it tick. Please adjust the comments if I made a mistake in the comments.
Protected Sub Page_Load(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Me.Load
' TableAdapter object.
' Provide communication between this application and the database.
Dim suppliersAdapter As New SuppliersTableAdapter
' Get the data from the TableAdapter into the GridView.
GridView1.DataSource = suppliersAdapter.GetSuppliers()
' Display the result set from the TableAdapter in the GridView.
End Sub
Protected Sub GridView1_RowDataBound(sender As Object, e As System.Web.UI.WebControls.GridViewRowEventArgs) Handles GridView1.RowDataBound
' A GridView has DataRows, EmptyDataRows, Footers, Headers, Pagers, and Separators.
' The DataSource will be assigned to the BulletedList in this GridView only when the RowType is a DataRow.
' This will make sure the "Object reference not set to an instance of an object" error will not be thrown.
If e.Row.RowType = DataControlRowType.DataRow Then
' TableAdapter object.
' Provide communication between this application and the database.
Dim productsAdapter As New ProductsTableAdapter
' BulletedList object.
' This object is created from the BulletedList control in the aspx file for GridView
' so it can be used to assign a DataSource to the BulletedList.
Dim BulletedList1 As BulletedList = DirectCast(e.Row.FindControl("BulletedList1"), BulletedList)
' Get the SupplierID into a variable for use as a parameter for the GetProductsBySupplierID method of the TableAdapter.
Dim supplier = DataBinder.Eval(e.Row.DataItem, "SupplierID")
' Get the data from the TableAdapter into the GridView.
BulletedList1.DataSource = productsAdapter.GetProductsBySupplierID(supplier)
' Display the result set from the TableAdapter in the GridView.
End If
End Sub
You have a different data source for each list.
You could achieve what you what by setting the datasource on the BulletedList
on RowDataBound event of the grid.
Attach a RowDataBound
event handler as follows:
protected void GridView1_RowDataBound(object sender, GridViewRowEventArgs e)
if (e.Row.RowType==DataControlRowType.DataRow)
BulletedList BulletedList1 = (BulletedList)e.Row.FindControl("BulletedList1");
var supplier = DataBinder.Eval(e.Row.DataItem, "CompanyName");
BulletedList1.DataSource = GetProductListForSupplier(supplier);