Are there any MIDP implementation of SQLite db available for use of sqlite db within a MIDlet, rather than using RMS. Of course, there are Floggy and OpenBaseMovil, however they are based on RMS, but are there any implementations that allows to perform operations in an sqlite db file?
There are 2 ways of doing something like that:
take the open source code of SQLite (written in C) and write something similar in JavaME. nobody has done that yet. There is an ongoing effort to write a version of SQLite in C# for windows mobile but you have got to wonder what impact a move to an interpreted language with no control over the performance of file system access will have.
define and implement a JavaME API that accesses the native SQLite via something like JNI. This is usually extremely complicated if you are not the phone manufacturer or one of its very close partners. I suspect Android does that so you could look at its sources in that area but it won't be MIDP-compliant. There are no official JSR for an SQLite-like API yet.