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Delta Deployments OLTP/OLAP SQL Server

I have a requirement to look at Delta deployments of OLTP Database and OLAP Cubes in SQL Server between UAT and Production and I wondered was this capable out-of-the-box with SQL Server?

I know SQL Server Data Tools (SSDT) has a Schema comparison tool but that doesn't meet my requirements (other than schema), we are looking for the DB (Data) and also Cube..

Can a delta on a cube even be done?

Another option might be commercial tools (if they exist)



  • To answer my own question after research carried out (not tested), I'm off the opinion that the tooling will be the best approach, evaluation steps next.

    OLTP Manual process: DAC for OLTP:

    OLAP manual process below: Use the Analysis Services Deployment Wizard to use the XMLA output files generated by an Analysis Services project to deploy the project's metadata to a destination server. Please see: Using the Analysis Services Deployment Wizard

    Use the Synchronize Database Wizard to synchronize the metadata and data between any two Analysis Services databases. Please see: Synchronizing Analysis Services Databases

    Tooling investigation Red-Gate :

    SQL Comapre

    SQL Data Compare

    SSAS Compare

    Hope this helps someone else!