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JSF change session time out in shiro

I need to change the default session time out in my jsf application that uses shiro for security and session management. It defaults to 30 minutes.

Following is my shiro configuration


        authc =
        authcRealm =
        sessionManager = org.apache.shiro.web.session.mgt.DefaultWebSessionManager
        securityManager.sessionManager = $sessionManager
        securityManager.sessionManager.globalSessionTimeout = 20000

        unAuthc =

        /** = authc


On using the above config, I am logged out immediately on login. Removing the following lines defaults the timeout to 30 mins

        sessionManager = org.apache.shiro.web.session.mgt.DefaultWebSessionManager
        securityManager.sessionManager = $sessionManager
        securityManager.sessionManager.globalSessionTimeout = 20000


  • Well after trying to search on the net and failing, and failing here too, I finally managed to find a way (sort of hack and not the best way). Here it goes

    Shiro by default creates a security manager of the type DefaultWebSecurityManager, so went ahead to extend it. Intercepted its createSubject() method and set the timeout there as follows

    public class SecurityManager extends DefaultWebSecurityManager {    
        public Subject createSubject(SubjectContext subjectContext) {
            Subject subject = super.createSubject(subjectContext);
            subject.getSession().setTimeout(10 * 60 * 1000);
            return subject;

    Then assigned this SecurityManager to sessionManager (Very strange why they call a security manager a session manager, i wasted a lot of time before figuring this out) in the config as follows

    authc =
    authcRealm =
    sessionManager =
    unAuthc =
    /** = authc

    I don't think this is the only way to do it, I am sure there are much better ways, probably less hacky, better performant, but this worked for me, without any noticeable performance hit (though I did observe this method getting called several times, probably once per http request). Please leave another answer if you know of a better way, and I'll be more than happy to re accept a better solution.