I am integrating gmaps4rails into an existing site and have it working well on the production site for records that have been created or updated since I rolled this out, however if a user pulls up a record that was created in the past the map will be blank because the lat and long fields have not been updated. I am looking for a way to run all records back through the update process so they will have the auto generated and maps will display correctly.
def gmaps4rails_address
"#{self.street}, #{self.city}, #{self.state}"
<%= gmaps({"map_options" => {"auto_adjust" => true, "auto_zoom" => false, "zoom" => 14},
"markers"=> {"data" => @json }}) %>
Is there something that i can run from the console that won't change any of the existing record data but will update the needed fields? Would the following get me what I want?
Geocoding is triggered in a before_filter: process_geocoding
defined here.
For performance sake, I'd filter entries and load them in batches, I'd say:
Workorder.where("latitude IS NULL").find_each do |order|
A raw approach would be:
Workorder.all.each do |order|
order.save if order.latitude.blank?