I'm using dot
version 2.26.3
The following .dot
digraph html {
results [shape=none, margin=0, label=<
..should produce a non-italic 'Title' and italic 'Description' when generating an SVG according to the documentation.
dot -Tsvg filename.dot -o output/filename.svg
However, the description is non-italic as you can see:
Any idea why?
I couldn't get the latest version installed for various reasons. In the end I remedied by using an italicised font. Equally, you could use a strong font as an equivalent for bold.
<TD><FONT FACE="Times-Roman">Standard.</FONT></TD>
<TD><FONT FACE="Times-Italic">In italics.</FONT></TD>
<TD><FONT FACE="Times-Bold">In bold.</FONT></TD>
Here's why - from the link to the documentation you provided:
The font markups for bold, italic, underlining, subscript and superscript (
; and<SUP
>) are only available in versions after 14 October 2011, and are currently only available via the cairo and svg renderers
Version 2.26.3 however seems to be from January 2010 - at least when checking the dates of the downloads for ubuntu or windows.
I recommend to upgrade.